Description: Wynnum Municipal Hall is a heritage-listed timber hall, located on the corner of Bay Terrace and Cedar Street, Wynnum.
This venue is accessible by public transport, bus stop ‘Bay Terrace at Walnut Street, Stop 93/94’ is located 180 metres from the hall.
The hall has on-site parking, including one accessible parking space, located at the rear of the hall. An accessible entry ramp leads to the rear hall entrance from the carpark. Handrails and tactile ground surface indicators are provided on all entry stairs and accessible ramps at this venue.
Wynnum Municipal Hall is a two-storey hall, with the Federation Room and amenities on the ground level, and the main hall, Lodge Room, and shared amenities on level one. At this venue all doors both internal and external are manual doors and are a minimum of 0.9 metres wide. Inside, all areas have vinyl flooring, except for the main hall, stage and the Lodge Room which are timber. All hireable rooms are air-conditioned, have ceiling fans, and include tables which fold down and have wheels to make them easier to move and store.
The front of the hall faces Bay Terrace, with concrete pathways connecting the footpath to the ground level entry and external staircases. Facing the hall, the concrete pathway splits in three, with the central pathway leading to the ground floor entry.
The left and right pathways lead to level one. The right pathway leads to a staircase, which splits at a landing. Turning right at this landing the stairs continue up to the Lodge Room porch. Turning left at this landing the stairs continue up to the main hall porch.
Green and beige double swing doors on the main hall porch open to a common area, which provides access to the shared amenities and the main hall entry. A swipe card is required for access using the black card reader to the left of these doors. Entering the common area, directly ahead is a set of cream double swing doors that open to the main hall.
This hall can accommodate up to 234 people. Immediately to the right after entering the hall is the chair storage room, accessed through white double swing doors.
Along the right wall, next to the chair storage room, is the table storage area. To the left of the table storage area are three beige double swing doors with glass panels that open onto a shared veranda.
The hall has a stage running along the rear wall opposite the main entrance. The stage features a piano and advanced audio-visual system which includes a projector, speakers, and induction hearing loop system. Audio-visual controls are located right of stage, with additional controls to the left of the table storage area. At the front of the stage are two sets of stairs, located at each end of the stage. The main hall has both overhead windows and double hung windows.
To the front right of the stage is a white door which opens to a dressing room. This room also provides alternate access to the right of stage, using a set of stairs located in the left rear corner of the room.
To the front left of the stage is a white door which opens to the rear foyer. Entering the rear foyer, immediately to the right is a set of stairs and stage lift which provide access to left of stage. Directly across from the rear foyer entry is the accessible entrance from the carpark.
In the front left corner of the main hall is a white stable door which opens to the kitchen. The kitchen includes a benchtop microwave, fridge with freezer, sink, wall mounted instant boiling water unit, a boiling and chilled water tap, and a cooktop and oven which is used for reheating food only. The benchtops are not wheelchair accessible.
On the right wall of the kitchen is a second white stable door that opens to a large room. Additional tables are stored immediately to the left of the entry from the kitchen, and additional chairs are stored along the far wall. A row of windows and bench-height cupboards run along the left wall. Along the right wall of this room are four double swing beige doors with glass panels, which provide access to the hall.
Exiting the main hall to the common area, approximately six metres to the right is the shared amenities corridor. The first white door on the left opens to the female toilets, including one ambulant toilet with assistance rails.
Continuing down the amenities corridor for approximately three metres, the white door on the left opens to the male toilets, including one ambulant toilet with assistance rails. At the end of the amenities corridor is a white door opening into a unisex accessible toilet with right hand transfer. All toilets feature braille signage on the entry doors.
Entry to the Lodge Room from the Lodge Room porch is through green and beige double swing doors, a swipe card is required for access using the black card reader to the left of these doors. The Lodge Room can accommodate up to 27 people. The Lodge Room has four double hung windows. Tables and chairs are stored in the rear right corner of the room. In the rear left corner of the Lodge Room is a beige door with glass panels which provides access to the shared veranda.
In the middle of the rear wall are beige double swing doors with glass panels that open to a kitchenette. The kitchenette includes a fridge with freezer, benchtop microwave, sink, and wall mounted instant boiling water unit. The sink and benchtops are not wheelchair accessible.
The Federation Room is located on the ground level, accessed from the central concrete pathway at the front of the hall. A green slatted door leads to the under-croft area which provides access to the Federation Room and the ground floor amenities. A swipe card is required for access using the black card reader to the right of this door. Directly ahead of this door are maroon double swing doors with glass panels that open to the Federation Room.
The Federation Room can accommodate up to 46 people. Directly across from the entry door is a kitchenette. The kitchenette includes a fridge with freezer, benchtop microwave, a double sink, wall mounted instant boiling water unit, and a boiling and chilled water tap. The sink and benchtops are not wheelchair accessible. To the left of the kitchenette is a chair and table storage area along the wall. To the right of the entry, along the front wall, is an accessible bench with sink. There are two double hung windows and six double swing doors that open to the under-croft area.
The ground floor amenities are accessed by turning right when exiting the Federation Room and following the under-croft for approximately seven metres before turning right again. Along the left wall are three maroon doors. The first door opens to a unisex accessible toilet with left hand transfer. The second door opens to female toilets and the third door opens to male toilets. All toilets feature braille signage on the entry doors.
This concludes the tour of the Wynnum Municipal Hall.